The Reverse Immigrant

The Reverse Immigrant: Return to My Sicilian Roots by Alfred M. Zappalà This book is a love story. The object of the author's love, however, is not a person. He loves an island, Sicily, or perhaps better his idea of the island: He was not born there. His connections to the island come by way of both grandparents who hailed from Trecastagni, a village on the slopes of Mt. Etna, as well as by an affinity for everything Sicilian. Yet his love for the island is such that in his maturity he has decided to leave his native Lawrence, MA and become a reverse immigrant by moving to Sicily on the slopes of majestic Mt. Etna

Alfred M. Zappalà is a father of three and a grandfather of four. His view on life is that everything else after that is pretty much gravy. He holds a law degree and teaches at prominent law schools in Boston. Considered an expert on the bar examination, he has trained thousands of aspiring lawyers to successfully become lawyers. He has authored several books on the bar examination and a screenplay. He also is a dual American-Italian citizen. He introduced thousands to the wonders of Sicily by importing various products from Sicily, including one that was deemed the best in its category at the nation's premier food event, The Fancy Food Show. He has posted thousands of times on his popular blog and continues to write of his adventures in Sicily. ISBN 1881901750

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Read about his other books “Gaetano’s Trunk” and “Figghiu Beddu”